6 Days A Week We Wait For Shabbos Kodesh

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Gift That Keeps On Giving

How would I go about having meat delivered as a gift? You know is there a 1-800-koshermeat that functions like 1-800-flowers? If anyone has any ideas, let me know.


I am sure you are not a racist, just like I'm sure that Mel Gibson is not an anti-Semite...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Must See TV?

After reading JewBoy's post about people assuming that every person that goes off the derech has a TV in their home, which is "absurd" as his title suggests, I decided to write a new post. This post has nothing to do with Frumness based on TV or no TV because people should not be judged based on that fact. This post is just simply a way for me to advocate that TV is not a necessity and we can live and be normal people without it!!

I recently read Rabbi Lawrence Keleman's student edition titled What They Don't Want You To Know About TV and Videos. It is basically a summary of his chapter on television in his book To Kindle A Soul. (Sorry I can't do links to all these things, I'm on dial up and that would just take way too long.) Anyway, in the small booklet it gives a lot of scientific research and data on the relationship between TV watching and a person's IQ, attention span etc. Basically it just proves that even watching "educational" programming is harmful to a person. It gives examples of tests done on infants where they showed them a "flickering light source similar to television but with no images." After 15 min. of being exposed to these lights their brains monitored sleep patters even though their eyes were open and they were watching the light, this was even without images or content at all. Pretty much what we all know is true, when you watch TV it shuts off your brain and is as if you are sitting in the dark just staring at nothing. It also lessens attention span, causes obesity, makes kids have less imagination (bc they don't play or need to imagine what things look like) they don't practice reading etc. You can read the book for all the specifics - all this is ASIDE from the fact that every program on TV now-a-days is disgusting or contains something inappropriate and if it doesn't then the commercials make up for it.

All that being said, once you get rid of the TV you won't miss it! If you aren't addicted to certain shows then after a while you won't even care that you aren't watching. You can still be normal and know about everything going on in the world WITHOUT TV!! It's an amazing thing and I totally advocate at least giving it a try! What have you got to lose?

What is wrong with O.J.?

I know I haven't posted in a while, I have no time but I felt the need to write about this. What is wrong with O.J. Simpson? I remember his trial, it was a huge deal and we were in school when they read the verdict, the TV was wheeled in and you hear "Not Guilty" and everyone in the school was like booing and it was a huge deal.

Now, a decade later, he decides to write a book about how he "would" have killed them "if" he did it. NEWS FLASH - YOU DID DO IT! Seriously, if he didn't do it then who did? Why aren't they looking for the killer? Can you attorney people explain to me how he got away with murder and then has the nerve to brag about it, and make millions from a book, a decade later. Gotta love America and the justice system.... Aside from being a good movie, what does Double Jeopardy do for us?